If You Think Change is Hard, Try Transformation

What’s the difference between Change and Transformation? Aren’t they really the same thing? Let’s start out by defining Change and Transformation and understanding where they are, I believe, fundamentally different. Change Change is moving from an existing state to a new or different state. The challenge with change is to avoid returning to the initial [...]

Sell The Problem, Not The Solution

Sell the Problem, Not the Solution. Sell the Disaster, Not Disaster Recovery. This may seem counter-intuitive, misguided or just plain wrong so let's start out by asking a more fundamental question. Why do people buy? Answer. For 1 of 2 reasons: To avoid Problems they don't want. (PAIN) To get Results they don't have. (GAIN) Where [...]

Differentiation in the Cloud (aka. Differentiate or Die)

In the massively expanding world of virtualised services how can Cloud Service Providers stand out from the crowd and demonstrate that they are materially different? And secondly, how do you explain that your material differences are vital and critical for customer success? This is the dilemma today facing Leaders and Senior Executives at Cloud Service [...]

Competitive Separation*

Competitive Separation is what makes you or your offer unique, unmatchable. The more unmatchable your offer is, the great the level of competitive separation. Step 1. Determine your current level of Competitive Separation. Step 2. Determine your Aspirational level of Competitive Separation and Step 3. Create a plan to get you there.

Quantifying Value – The Ultimate Sales Tool

Understanding your own value – the value of your products and services – and being able to connect that value to your customer’s business drivers is what makes customers want to buy. Customers want the benefits, the business benefits that your product or service can create and deliver to their business. In today’s business climate [...]


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