The End of Certainty: The Beginning of Creativity?

“The future ain't what it used to be.” - Yogi Berra We are in a period of massively disruptive and unprecedented change. One of the first victims of massive and disruptive change for many businesses today is certainty. There just doesn't seem to be enough certainty left in the world to go around. More than ever before we are [...]

Customer Adoption is the new ROI

Customer Adoption is the ultimate measure of Return On Investment. Period! I hear a lot of people talking about ‘Time to Market’, but I don’t think that this is what they really want to achieve. “Great, we have our new offer in market, but the channels aren't familiar with it.....yet", or "customers cannot find it [...]

The Buyer’s Journey, Monday Nov. 5th. Vienna, Austria

On Monday Nov 5th I will be speaking at CLOUDKongress 2012 in Vienna, Austria. I will be talking about The Buyer's Journey and the importance of engaging conversations with the Corporate Consumer. The key takeaway of my presentation will be: Customer Adoption is the new ROI. See the complete program here. Hope to see [...]

By |2012-10-22T14:06:32+00:00October 22nd, 2012|Sales Performance Motivation|0 Comments

The Buyer’s Journey – Part 2

“Don’t make your customers work hard to spend their money.” The Buyer's Journey describes a fundamental shift from inside to outside thinking. From the Sales Cycle to The Buyer’s decision process. The key implication of this shift is that you have to align your Sales and Marketing activities with the Buyer’s Journey if you want [...]

By |2012-10-07T19:43:02+00:00October 7th, 2012|Sales Performance Motivation|0 Comments

The Buyer’s Journey: Align your Sales and Marketing actions with the way customers buy

The old rule in sales ABC “Always Be Closing” has passed its use by date. Today ABC would serve us better if it stood for “Always Be Changing”. And this rate of change has never been more challenging for Sales and Marketing because business as usual has come to a sudden end as power has [...]

Collaboration: your path to Sustainable Competitive Advantage?

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller Web apps and the internet have changed the way we work and live. Today we live in a world where the creative quality of work improves as we move along the "Hierarchy of Communication" from Connect to Communicate to Collaborate [...]

ROI or ROI? ‘Return on Investment’ or ‘Return on Innovation’?

What percentage of your revenues in 2012 will come from products and services that are less than 18 months old? Are you constantly defending your business, and your offerings against new and improved competitive offerings? Do you find yourself defending the status quo and unwittingly discriminating against the future? Or are you constantly experimenting and [...]

By |2012-03-11T09:58:06+00:00March 11th, 2012|Sales Performance Motivation|0 Comments

Competitive Separation*

Competitive Separation is what makes you or your offer unique, unmatchable. The more unmatchable your offer is, the great the level of competitive separation. Step 1. Determine your current level of Competitive Separation. Step 2. Determine your Aspirational level of Competitive Separation and Step 3. Create a plan to get you there.


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