If You Think Change is Hard, Try Transformation

What’s the difference between Change and Transformation? Aren’t they really the same thing? Let’s start out by defining Change and Transformation and understanding where they are, I believe, fundamentally different. Change Change is moving from an existing state to a new or different state. The challenge with change is to avoid returning to the initial [...]

Strategy vs Execution: Which is the more important and why?

“Successful people start before they feel ready.” - attributed to Sir Richard Branson I like to ask groups that I am working with which is the more important: Strategy or Execution? This always results in a highly animated discussion about why strategy is the more important of the two. If the strategy is not in place to [...]

All Failure is Failure to Adapt

What made you successful in the past will not make you successful in the future. “What got you here will not get you there.” - Marshall Goldsmith Using the past to understand the future When we look to the past to understand the future we compromise our ability to envision change and see a different [...]

The End of Certainty: The Beginning of Creativity?

“The future ain't what it used to be.” - Yogi Berra We are in a period of massively disruptive and unprecedented change. One of the first victims of massive and disruptive change for many businesses today is certainty. There just doesn't seem to be enough certainty left in the world to go around. More than ever before we are [...]

Resilient Thinking: Leading in a world of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity

“Its not what happens to you in life. Its how you react to what happens to you that makes the difference.” One of the biggest challenges a leader faces today is learning to live with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity despite an increasing oversupply of information. This makes decision making more difficult and problematic than [...]


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